

S. Hale, Unsupervised Threshold for Automatic Extraction of Dolphin Dorsal Fin Outlines from Digital Photographs in DARWIN (Digital Analysis and Recognition of Whale Images on a Network), vol. Senior Thesis, Eckerd College, 2008.

S. Hale "A New Approach to Unsupervised Thresholding for Automatic Extraction of Dolpihn Dorsal Fin Outlines from Digital Photographs in DARWIN," The Eckerd Scholar 2008. Eckerd College, 2008. p. 65-74

J. Stewman and K. Debure and S. Hale and A. Russell, "Iterative 3-D Pose Correction and Content-Based Image Retrieval for Dorsal Fin Recognition," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), Springer-Verlag, September 2006.
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S. Hale, "Unsupervised Thresholding Morphological Processing for Automatic Fin-outline Extraction in DARWIN (Digital Analysis and Recognition of Whale Images on a Network)," ACM Student Research Competition, 2006.

A. Russell, Feature Detection and Outline Registration in Dorsal Fin Images, Senior Thesis, Eckerd College, 2001.

Z. Roberts, Contour Representation in DARWIN: Digital Analysis to Identify Whale Images on a Network, Senior Thesis, Eckerd College, 2000.

D. Wilkin and K. Debure, "Query by Sketch in DARWIN: Digital Analysis of Whale Images on a Network", Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII, San Jose, CA, 1999.

D. Wilkin, DARWIN: Digital Analysis to Identify Whale Images on a Network, Senior Thesis, Eckerd College, 1998.

M. C. Allen, The Development of DARWIN, vol. Senior Thesis, Eckerd College, 1996.

R. Stanley, DARWIN: Identifying Dolphins from Dorsal Fin Images, vol. Senior Thesis, Eckerd College, 1995.

J. Stewman, R. Stanley and M. Allen, "DARWIN: A System to Identify Dolphins from Fin Profiles in Digital Images", Proceedings of the 8th Annual Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium, 1995.


A poster entitled "Automatic Fin-outline Extraction in DARWIN".  It was presented by Scott Hale at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA on March 2-7, 2008.

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A poster entitled "Software design and user feedback in the DARWIN".  It was presented by Dr. Stewman at the 15th Annual Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS) in Beaufort, North Carolina, USA on March 16 - 18, 2007.

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A poster entitled "Unsupervised Thresholding and Morphological Processing for Automatic Fin-outline Extraction in DARWIN".  It was presented by Scott Hale at the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education in Houston, Texas, USA on March 1-5, 2006.

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A poster entitled "DARWIN - Dolphin Photo-Identification Software Adaptations to Digital Camera Acquisition and Increased Matching Accurcay".  It was presented by Kelly and John at the SMM 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in San Diego, California, USA on December 12 - 16, 2005.

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A poster entitled "Feature Detection and Outline Registration in Dorsal Fin Images".  It was presented by Kelly and Adam at the SMM 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on November 28 - December 3, 2001.

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A poster entitled "Feature Extraction for Content-Based Image Retrieval in DARWIN (Digital Analysis and Recognition of Whale Images on a Network)".  It was presented by Kelly and Adam at the First ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries at Roanoke, Virginia on June 25, 2001.

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